Casa de Cinco Hermanas
Casa de Cinco Press
Casa del Pueblo Press
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Pueblo Poetry Project
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Kyle Laws' collections include Ride the Pink Horse (Stubborn Mule Press, 2019); Faces of Fishing Creek (Middle Creek Publishing, 2018); This Town: Poems of Correspondence with Jared Smith (Liquid Light Press, 2017); So Bright to Blind (Five Oaks Press, 2015); Wildwood (Lummox Press, 2014); My Visions Are As Real As Your Movies, Joan of Arc Says to Rudolph Valentino (Dancing Girl Press, 2013); George Sand's Haiti (co-winner of Poetry West's 2012 award); Storm Inside the Walls (Little Books Press, 2012); Going into Exile (Abbey Chapbooks, 2012); and Tango (Kings Estate Press).

With eight nominations for a Pushcart Prize, her poems and essays have appeared in Abbey, Amethyst Review, Anglican Theological Review, Chiron Review, Cities (U.K.), The Delmarva Review, Ekphrastic Review, Exit 13, Fourth & Sycamore, Gasconade Review, here/there: poetry (U.K.), IthacaLit, Journey to Crone (U.K.), Leaping Clear, Lilipoh, Living Apart Together: A New Possibility for Loving Couples (Canada), Lummox, The Main Street Rag, Malpaís Review, The Más Tequila Review, Mead: The Magazine of Literature & Librations, Misfit Magazine, The Nervous Breakdown, Nixes Mate Review, Pearl, Philadelphia Poets, Pilgrimage, Plath Poetry Project, River City Poetry, r.kv.r.y Quarterly Literary Journal, St. Sebastian Review, Thimble Literary Journal, Turtle Island Quarterly, Verse Osmosis, Visitant Lit, Visual Verse, and Waymark.

She is the editor and publisher of Casa de Cinco Hermanas Press.

Ride the Pink Horse is available at https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ride-the-pink-horse-kyle-laws/1131732380

Faces of Fishing Creek is available at https://www.middlecreekpublishing.com/faces-of-fishing-creek

This Town: Poems of Correspondence with Jared Smith is available at http://liquidlightpress.com/KyleL_JaredS.htm

So Bright to Blind is available at https://www.amazon.com/So-Bright-Blind-Kyle-Laws/dp/0990784231?ie=UTF8&keywords=Kyle%20Laws%20So%20Bright%20to%20Blind&qid=1434640905&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1

Wildwood is available at http://lummoxpress.com/lc/wildwood-by-kyle-laws/

My Visions Are As Real As Your Movies, Joan of Arc Says to Rudolph Valentino is available at https://dulcetshop.myshopify.com/products/my-visions-are-as-real-as-your-movies-joan-of-arc-says-to-rudolph-valentino-kyle-laws

So Bright to Blind is the subject of an interview at http://rkvryquarterly.com/interview-with-kyle-laws-2/

Wildwood is the subject of an interview at http://rkvryquarterly.com/interview-with-kyle-laws/

An interview about George Sand's Haiti is at http://kylelawsblog.kylelaws.com/

A St. Sebastian Review interview can be found at http://stsebastianreview.com/kyle-laws/